Hartel Industrial Electronics Services
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Hartel Industrial Electronics Services

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Hartel Electronics Services
9449 Maltby Rd.
Brighton, Michigan 48116

From complete CNC systems to axis motion control and spindle drives, we provide cost effective, state of the art solutions to maximize your machining and processing efficiency.

We install these and other brands:
(Click the links for the web site or more information)

MDSI / Hurco Open CNC

PC platform based CNC motion control. Leverage the connectivity and processing power of this mass produced, state of the art hardware and software.

Machine Mate

High performance brushless servo systems for axis or spindle drive. Also stand alone motion controllers. Made in the USA.

Amicon / GE

D.C. spindle drives with PID tuning and online parameter configuration.

Encoder Products

Durable encoders with a metal disc and a 3 year warranty.


Counters, timers and temperature controls. Powerful, yet a real value.

Balluff & Banner

Proximity switches, sensors and cables. The best in the business.

Yaskawa / Delta / Dura Pulse

Cost competitive A.C. Spindle Drives and variable frequency drives for fan, pump, & other machine applications.

HVAC VFD Drive Retrofit

You can save substantial energy costs by converting a VAV vortex to a frequency drive.

Quality Policy